Week 1 – Spring

Welcome to the beginning, Yogidetoxer!

  1. Print your Booklets. If you don’t have a printer, send them to Kinkos. You’ll find them much more enjoyable in printed format.
  2. Listen to Week 1 Phone Call.

Listen to Week 1 Phone Call

This audio below is the Week 1 Yogidetox Audio. It was recorded for the May Yogidetox, the last live Yogidetox Course. This call help you get in sync with the path ahead.

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Extra Credit

Principles of Evolutionary Culture

How to Read Toxins in your Body

Salt Water Flush

Enemas 101

Fun Videos & Audios

Week 1 Picks on Youtube

Cleansing & Emotions

Family Cleanse Audio

Tongue Scraping 101



To download the audios to your computer for later listening or to transfer to your iPod, “right-click” or “control-click” on the link and then select “save link as” or “save target as” and then follow the instructions to save the file.


Mac Users: To Download press the control key first and then space bar